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Sunday, July 29, 2012


Caution: Strong language. May not be suitable for sensitive audiences.

I know many of my friends are of differing political persuasions and from many, many different walks of life. Some enjoy reading about issues plaguing the system, and some do not, and that's cool. However, when we ignore the fact that much of our political machine is run by greedy sonsofbitches who are only looking out for themselves and their own wealth, it should piss us off, no matter how much we like to go on about our lives as if everything is peachy and what happens in political arenas don't really affect us much.

We all have our own agendas. I wish my car's oil light came on BEFORE catastrophic engine failure, and I'm going to write to the company to tell them that this is something that needs to be addressed in future models so the consumer doesn't have to shell out nearly 5 grand for a used engine. But I digress... We all want what is best for our OWN family and ourselves, and we are right to do so. On the other hand, we live in communities, in towns, in cities, school districts, counties, states, countries, continents, and on earth. We share a common bond with every human being on this planet. What is good for US (ourselves and/or our families) may not be what is good for others, and can actually make others suffer.

For example: those who believe we should not be taxed for public welfare or who think school vouchers are necessary for one's OWN kids to get a good education are selfish. There, I said it. Selfish, selfish, selfish. When you complain that the school system in your area is terrible but you don't want to pay taxes or vote for public school supporting candidates to help those schools out... REALLY? Do you see the direct correlation? When you claim that welfare for the poor is just teaching "them" to be lazy, in some cases you might be right, but for those who have been fired, laid off from a corporation or school during budget cuts, all the while execs get their bonuses, and school boards vote to increase the superintendent's benefits while firing teachers, you are supporting greed.

I have friends who are very conservative financially and socially, but what never ceases to amaze me is that those who want fiscal responsibility typically vote Republican. Do they ignore the trillions spent on military campaigns (and I don't mean to say supporting military men & women, because there is a distinct contrast between that and military campaigns, i.e. wars. But we'll get to that later) at the expense of public programs to ensure people have the help they need when and if they need it? Do they ignore the bailouts of major financial institutions just before our last prez left office? Those banks (Citi, BoA, etc.) took OUR tax money because THEY made risky business moves AND cheated the public out of money with mortgages and fraudulent equity programs before they started going bankrupt. The real kicker is that those CEOs and execs on the boards STILL got multimillion dollar bonuses. THIS is financial responsibility? And these are the same people who say they shouldn't pay more taxes. No, they can rob us blind, get government bailouts with our taxes, but god forbid they shell out a little more to help the general good.

And what about military families? How many vets struggle with medical issues for the rest of their lives and get sub-par treatment because the richest of the rich in this country control the money and the elections? How many military families are struggling to make ends meet because what was promised is not quite the reality? If we want to say we "support" our military, we HAVE to pay taxes. Otherwise, those who fight for us when we need it are lost to a system that has forgotten their service. That's shameful.

Those who are socially conservative... let's call a spade a spade here. You're probably a faithful person who considers yourself a Christian or a "believer" or whatever. Hey, I'm cool with you even though I don't believe the same thing. What I'm not cool with, however, is bigotry labeled as "Christian Values." That's bullshit. You think gays shouldn't marry. Don't marry one. That simple. You think abortion is wrong? Don't have one. Period. But stop voting for candidates who say they're going to legislate based on those values. Just because they say it, doesn't mean they believe it. They stand more to gain if they don't, but they'll get elected by people based on those hot-button items because the public foolishly believes the candidates share their values. Open your eyes and see that THESE are NOT the kinds of things that should be legislated. Freedom to act based on one's OWN values is democracy, not legislating what OTHERS are free to do. Just because your bible says it's good to have slaves doesn't mean it is. Just because your holy book (not everyone's holy book, but yours) says (in the old testament) that homosexuality is wrong doesn't mean it IS. Social values evolve, as has the bible. The new testament doesn't mention stoning a woman to death because she isn't a virgin on her wedding day, but do you want to legislate that, too?

Now, please, my faithful friends, don't get your panties in a wad. I'm not speaking to many of you, because most of you have read up on the difference between the new and old testament. I'm talking to the ones who blindly follow the asshats who protest true freedom based on some archaic book written at a time when controlling the populace was necessary because they didn't have the science to explain all the weird shit that was happening, like storms and sunrises and phases of the moon; and by true freedom, I'm referring to the above comment about democracy. Freedom to choose what we want as long as it doesn't hurt others.

If you want to ride your motorcycle down the highway at 70 miles an hour without a helmet and you're old enough to make that decision (your prefrontal lobe is fully developed and you can make rational decisions based on facts and statistics), by all means, go for it. I don't think I'll try it, but if you think it's a good idea, I'm not going to stop you. If you think it's fine to drink until your liver explodes, more power to ya. If you get knocked up by some douchebag who isn't going to be there for you or the kid, and you already have enough bills to pay without adding to your burden, get that abortion if you want it. It doesn't hurt me or the rest of society. In fact, you're less likely to become a burden on society if you do choose the abortion over having that child when you can't afford it. (And before I hear an argument for adoption, I just want to remind everyone of the hundreds of thousands of children above the age of 2 out there in the foster care system who need a home - don't argue that a woman should put a baby up for adoption instead of aborting a fetus when all those KIDS are in need of a home and the state pays for them... out of your tax dollar, by the way.)

This election in November isn't about which candidate wins or loses, it's about the American people winning or losing. Neither the Dems or GOP are without fault, to be sure. I don't particularly like the president's education policy (nor his secretary of Ed's track record), but I also don't want someone who thinks public education should be scrapped in favor of vouchers and corporate-sponsored charter schools with no regard for the true quality of education of their students. Taxes are about the greater good, whether you use the services or not (but you do, every single day). It's not socialism, it's about not being a dick to your fellow human beings. It's about looking out for more than just your own. It's about being a good person, whether you are one because it's right or because you hope to win the afterlife lottery one day.

My message: Don't be a dick. Stand up for humanity, not greed and selfishness. Pay taxes because it's the right thing to do for the general good, and DEMAND that the wealthier people and corporations pay MORE because they can afford it, and they earn their money on the backs of you and I.