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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Just Because

I'm fighting the urge to do anything of import today. I've succeeded in this endeavor quite nicely actually.

The weather kept me in. Not because I didn't think it was safe to go outside, but because I just felt so... cold. I'm not a fan of extreme cold, so I stayed inside, mostly upstairs in my room, and only stepped out once - to get the mail.

Now, I find myself in need of verbal release. Since I'm not a socialite (fear social gatherings most of the time), I find solace in writing. Putting my thoughts down on paper has always been cathartic to me.

It began when I moved to Monett from Aurora (Missouri, people. Keep up!), just before the third grade. My best friend Stephaine (no, that's not a typo; her parents got creative) and I started writing one another letters. At first these were simple one-page "Hi. How are you? I am fine. Next week is Christmas. Are you excited? I am." kind of letters. From there, our letters evolved to novellas at times, ranting over something horrible the kids at school did, a boy we liked so much it hurt, or describing a trip in MUCH detail.

During this time, I also started journal writing. Sporadic at best, my diary was nothing short of inconsequential. Besides, I didn't need the diary because I was writing to Steph nearly every week! My favorite gifts were of the stationary sort during those formative years.

When we were old enough to drive, we didn't need to write. Instead, we'd meet at least once a month to hang out. In fact, we had some friends in common (since our houses were a mere 20 minutes away from one another), and often ended up at the same parties. It was then that I started finding fiction to be my genre of choice when writing. I tried my hand at horror (Stephen King was my favorite author from age 11 to 14), and then at romance (which didn't work out because I lack the romantic sensibility necessary for lovey-dovey stories).

What I have found to be my biggest obstacle in writing fiction is my own criticism. I am excellent at editing and commenting on others' writing. I hardly ever allow incorrect grammar or spelling in my own writing (you might have noticed that). When it comes to ideas, I have plenty. I've explored many of those ideas on paper. If starting a novel or short story could be a lucrative career choice, I would excel. Finishing one, on the other hand...

So now I write just because. I like the blog format. I can allow my ideas to spill from my brain, post for everyone or no one to read, and still feel like I've seen the therapist. And it's FREE! I love the interwebs!

1 comment:

  1. Funny that my writing history is VERY similiar... except for the horror stories.

    SO glad you are enjoying blogging!
