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Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Few Weeks Have Passed... Did you miss me?

It's been an exciting week, ladies and gents. A blizzard, 3 snow days and a couple appointments with doctors. As most of the country has experienced the winter storm of the decade, I'll save those details for the reader's own research.

Most of my audience would like to know what happened at the much-anticipated appointment with the fertility clinic. Ah, that.

My husband is relieved that the only testing he had to endure was of the blood variety. Let your imagination figure out what he was truly nervous about.

Basically, it's all set. There are no reasons the doctor or nurse could find in our medical histories, our profiles, or our bodies which would prevent us from conceiving as early as early April. In fact, the whole process will likely be about HALF the price I had anticipated.

Such good news! So...

I'm trying to decide the when. If I begin the process in a week or two, we conceive in early April (it takes about 8 weeks to prepare the ovaries for egg extraction), then we would have another Miner minor in December. I would love to have an early winter baby.

However, we could choose to postpone the blessed event until mid-spring of 2012, so that the last quarter of school would be my maternity leave. This would be past "testing" time for my students.

The doctor would like to see us start as soon as possible. Either way, I'll be 38 when I have this kid, and Brian will be 40. Aiden will be 10 and Alex 14 (or 15). He did mention that age is a factor. The sooner, the better. I agree. It's one reason I didn't want to put off our planning a few more months or a year in order to save more money.

I also don't want to base the birth of my child on my work schedule - whatever it may be. It's probably the more responsible, practical way to go, but why the hell would I want to give over control of my family to my job - I do that enough as it is.

Decisions, decisions. Any input would be happily considered or dismissed.

1 comment:

  1. Well, first of all... YES! (You were missed.) :)

    I hear you on the timing thing... Roberto and I are going to start trying again in the fall for bubba numero dos, and I find myself really hoping for another September baby because it ended up working out so perfectly with work. But then, you are SO RIGHT!!! Why do we even let work be a consideration? I should be the other way around!!! Still, it's easy to dream about what would be the perfect timing. I say you start in April and just see what happens! It may take a bit of time anyway... you never know with these things.

    Big hugs to you and your crew...
    XOXOXO! Sarah
